Writing the Proposal

ISLA's expert staff has many years of experience in grant proposal development and often hosts grant proposal workshops for faculty. They keep a library of successful grant and fellowship proposals for faculty to read and can offer personalized assistance at all stages of the process, including advice on content and narrative, help developing project budgets, and critiques of draft proposals.  

Associate Director for Research Development Josh Tychonievich provides direct grant-writing assistance through critiques of draft proposals; coordinates grant-writing workshops that promote strong writing skills, strategies, and grantsmanship; and assists with various aspects of grant-proposal preparation. Pre-Award Program Managers Lori Loftis and Amelia Lutz of ND Research provide additional guidance on grant and fellowship applications for faculty in the College of Arts and Letters.

Proposal Writing Guides

Fellowship Guides

  1. Essentials Of A Fellowship Application2
  2. NEH Fellowship Tips (PDF, 61Kb)
  3. The ACLS Peer Review Process (PDF, 60Kb)
  4. Writing Proposals for ACLS Fellowship Competitions (PDF, 131Kb)
  5. SSRC Proposal Guide (PDF, 1Mb)
  6. Proposal Guide for Faculty in Theology (PDF,179Kb)
  7. U.S. Institute of Peace Proposal Guide (PDF, 96Kb)

 Grant Proposal Guides

  1. Applying for Research Grants - John Borkowski (PDF, 126k)
  2. Foundation Center Proposal Writing Short Course
  3. NIH/NSF Arts and Letters Workshop Handout (PDF, 94k)
  4. ND Research Resource Library