Expanding Research Access Grant

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Deadline: Biannual deadline dates are the second Tuesday in October and second Tuesday in February

Funding Amount: up to $10,000


In line with its goal to elevate the visibility and impact of the liberal arts, ISLA now offers grants of up to $10,000 to support projects that expand the audience for faculty research. These internal grants may support open access publishing, translations, and diverse scholarly products designed to expand the reach of scholarly research to the wider public (including but not limited to graphic novels, digital media, performances, recordings, exhibitions, etc).

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis twice annually. Proposals will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary panel of Arts and Letters faculty. The review process takes about a month to complete.


Expanding Research Access Grants may not be used to cover publication costs for books or articles written in English for a primarily academic audience (see ISLA’s Publication Grants) or an exhibition or performance of an artist’s work in a typical performance space (see ISLA’s Small Creative and Performing Arts Grant).

A faculty member who is awarded an Expanding Research Access grant cannot apply to the program again for a period of 3 years (eligibility for other grant programs is unaffected).



Expanding Research Access Grants are open to all regular faculty with a primary appointment in the College of Arts and Letters. Collaborative projects are eligible, as long as one of the primary researchers or artists (who must be the applicant) is a regular faculty member in the College.

Students, staff, and emeritus faculty are ineligible.


Application Instructions

To apply, please submit a proposal through ISLA's web portal with the following:

  • A brief proposal (no more than 1200 words). Your proposal should include:

    • The primary questions, arguments, and scholarly contributions of the research.

    • A description of the proposed project, including its role in expanding the audience for scholarly research.

    • A timeline for completing the project.

  • A list of any previous ISLA internal funding for the last 5 years (when, how much, and for what project).

  • An abbreviated, 2-page CV.

  • Supporting documentation (correspondence with publishers, contracts, etc.), if available.

  • A well-justified budget. Your budget should include:

    • Specific amounts for each budget item and an explanation of how you arrived at that cost or estimate. Provide sources for estimates when possible.

    • In addition to the support requested from ISLA, list all other sources of funding to which you have applied or will apply, including amounts.

Review Criteria:

Proposals will be initially assessed for eligibility and then evaluated based on the following criteria. The strongest proposals will demonstrate all of the following:

  • The clarity and persuasiveness of the proposal

  • The scholarly rigor of the research

  • The impact that the project will have beyond an Anglophone, academic audience

  • The overall likelihood that the project will be successful and completed in a timely fashion


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