DaVinci Multidisciplinary Grant

Undergraduate Students: Apply Now

Available to Undergraduate Students

Deadline: March 24, 2025

Funding Amount: Up to $4,500


Undergraduates in the Colleges of Arts & Letters, Engineering, and Science who wish to carry out summer interdisciplinary research or creative projects


ISLA welcomes proposals from undergraduates in the Colleges of Arts and Letters and Science who wish to carry out summer interdisciplinary research or creative projects. Students may independently design projects or propose projects related to an aspect of their faculty mentors' research. Maximum award per student is $4,500, which may be used for travel, living expenses and purchase of research materials. 

Eligible projects might include application of statistical analysis or computer modeling to history, economics, or anthropology; creation of a documentary featuring some aspect of science or engineering; or the integration of biological and psychological perspectives on cognitive science. We are interested in projects involving areas such as science writing; design and mechanical or electrical engineering; theoretical physics and philosophy; cancer biology and psychology; sociology and bioinformatics; economics and sustainable energy; environmental science and political science; and science and literature in the popular media.

Students working with faculty outside the College of their major are also encouraged to apply and should articulate how the research will enhance the interdisciplinary nature of their undergraduate research experience. For example, design students should explain why working with engineering faculty widens their array of potential projects; engineering students should explain how working with faculty studying cancer biology makes accessible to them different areas of research.  

Students may work alone or in teams. Teams should have a designated faculty sponsor who can act as a project consultant. Letters of recommendation for individual team members should confirm the applicant's ability to carry out their designated tasks (e.g. the team member tasked with translating should request a letter of recommendation from a language professor; a team member tasked with writing code should request a letter from a professor in computer science.)  



  • Applicants should explain in the abstract and introduction the ways in which their project is interdisciplinary. 
  • Please provide an additional letter of support from a sponsoring lab if the project requires the use of non-ND lab space. 
  • Students traveling to countries in which a State Department travel warning has been issued must be accompanied by a Notre Dame faculty member.  

For more information email ISLA's Student Grants Program Manager or Dr. Xuemin (Sheryl) Lu, Undergraduate Research Coordinator, College of Science.

Timing: Summer

How to Apply

Undergraduate Students: Apply Now