Conference Presentation Grant

Undergraduate Students: Apply Now

Available to Undergraduate Students

Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, until April 16. Students must submit their application at least one month in advance of the conference presentation. For graduating seniors, the conference needs to take place by May 1.

Funding Amount: Up to $1,000


Grants are limited to juniors and seniors. Students may receive 1 conference presentation grant per academic year.


Conference Presentation Grants support opportunities for undergraduates (juniors and seniors only) to present their work – commonly a paper or poster – at domestic and international conferences. Funding is available for expenses related to conference presentations, including travel to and from the conference destination, accommodation and meals, registration fees, and, if applicable, conference material costs (such as poster printing). 

Applications must include a copy of the paper/poster's acceptance notification for the conference.

Please note: Grants are only awarded to students presenting the work at a conference. Awards are not made to simply facilitate conference attendance – including cases where students are co-authors of a presentation but are not presenting the work. Additionally, we expect the student's supervising faculty member to also attend the conference to provide students guidance for a more rewarding conference experience. 

Students applying for a Conference Presentation Grant must submit the following documents:

  • 1–2-page proposal detailing the research to be presented and relevance of the conference to the student’s academic or professional goals.
  • Abstract submitted to the conference (if applicable).
  • Presentation notification: the student must provide documentation confirming that they have been invited to present, including event dates and location.
  • Budget documentation that references and justifies expected costs.
  • Faculty letter of recommendation: the letter should be from a faculty member at Notre Dame who is familiar with the student’s academic aspirations, incl. well-informed on the details and the importance of the proposed conference presentation. Ideally, the recommending faculty will be attending the conference, as well.

After completing the conference presentation, grant recipients must submit a 1-page report about the experience and its outcome, a copy of the presentation (e.g. power point presentation or picture of poster), and a picture of the student presenting within 30 days of return.


Timing: Academic Year, Summer

How to Apply

Undergraduate Students: Apply Now