Small Creative and Performing Arts Grants

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Deadline: Proposals accepted at any time except from June 1 to July 31

Funding Amount: Up to $3,000


Small Creative Arts Grants support projects by Arts & Letters faculty in the creative and performing arts.


Small Creative and Performing Arts Grants may be used to cover costs such as:

  • Materials
  • Honoraria and payments to collaborators 
  • Exhibition, festival, or competition entry fees
  • Travel expenses for Arts and Letters faculty to create, exhibit, or perform a piece
  • Travel expenses to Notre Dame for external collaborators
  • Performance or exhibition space rentals
  • Instrument rentals
  • Recording costs
  • Shipping costs for artwork (limited to $1000)

These grants may not be used to cover:

  • Domestic or international conference expenses
  • Travel to an event at which the applicant is not exhibiting or performing
  • Funds to upgrade Campus Workstation Program (CWP) computers
  • The purchase of equipment or instruments; Notre Dame Research has a yearly competition for equipment purchase and replacement
  • The purchase of electronic devices such as cameras, recorders, laptops/computers
  • Salary for course buyout or summer salary for faculty
  • Publication Costs; Please see our Publication page

Faculty are limited to one Small Creative and Performing Arts Grant or Small Research Grant per academic year.

Application Instructions

Review Criteria:

  • The clarity and persuasiveness of the proposal
  • The likely impact of the project for the applicant’s field and the campus/local community
  • The qualifications and track record of the applicant
  • The overall likelihood that project will be successful

To Apply:

Please submit an application through ISLA's web portal with the following:

  • A brief proposal (1000 words). Your proposal should include:
    • A description of the proposed project that outlines the chosen materials and methods and a rationale for your artistic choices
    • A discussion of the impact the project will have both within and beyond the applicant’s field
    • Information about the project director and collaborators, if any. Explain how and why the people involved will make for a successful project.
  • Abbreviated CVs (no more than 2 pages) for the project director and any collaborating artists or scholars.
  • An itemized budget (must use ISLA's budget template for faculty programs).

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