For Faculty

ISLA helps Notre Dame Arts and Letters faculty secure funding for their scholarly pursuits in two ways: by providing internal grants for research and creative endeavors and by facilitating the securing and administration of external fellowships and grants.  

Internal Grants

ISLA's internal grant support includes:

  • Small project grants to support research and creative activities 
  • Large grants for research and creative activities
  • Interdisciplinary research seed grants
  • Partial support for travel to international conferences
  • Indexing, image, and publication subvention grants
  • Grants to enhance language skills for research and scholarship
  • Support for academic conferences, lecture series, and visiting artist events
  • ISLA's funding is restricted to regular faculty in the College of Arts and Letters (i.e., Teaching and Research, Research, and Professional Specialist). Faculty from other Notre Dame colleges or institutes with concurrent appointments in the College of Arts and Letters are not eligible for ISLA funding. Emeriti faculty are eligible for ISLA funding for two years following their retirement. No post awards will be given. 

Arts and Letters faculty are eligible for many other internal grants at Notre Dame. See the Notre Dame Research website for more details about those opportunities.