Accountability, Healing, and Trust: Conversations in Theology, Psychology, and Law for the Life of the Church

(part of a series)

Location: University of Notre Dame, McKenna Hall Conference Center

Accountability Program V5 1 Page 1

This conference will explore practical strategies to increase accountability, promote healing, and rebuild trust in the life of the Catholic Church in the aftermath of the clergy sexual abuse crisis. Its focus will be on the needs of local parishes, their leaders and staff, including educators in Catholic schools. The conference will also explore the intersection of parish life and the formation of ordained and lay ecclesial ministers in seminaries, dioceses, and Catholic universities. Scholars of theology, psychology and law will present recent research on these issues in conversation with those working in ministerial settings who have developed approaches and practical programs to address the needs of Catholic parishioners, students, and Church leaders during these challenging times. Registration information.

Originally published at